There are so many things I wish to do, but I wonder if I could possibly find the time to do them all.

Since you’ve heard from me last, I’ve decided on my projects for 2017:

Warriors of Virtue Epic YA Fantasy Series

Warriors of Virtue Epic YA Fantasy Series will remain the number one priority. Saying this, I’m sorry to inform you that I’m not sure when Episode 5 (the episode that should have been available on March 1st 2017) will be published. After receiving edits from my editor, I’ve decided to rewrite quite a bit of Chapter 13. Currently, that rewrite is being edited. I’m also waiting for the final pair of eyes to check the remaining two chapters.

Meanwhile, I hope you like the new and improved cover art:

Warriors of Virtue Epic YA Fantasy Series Episode 3 Cover Art

Almost Famous Artist’s Interviews

Last month, I’ve stumbled upon the “Occupy Facebook with Art” movement for the second time. I love the idea, but most people feature artists that are already famous. I thought, “Wouldn’t it be nice to feature artists who are just as skilled, but as yet have no huge following?” Personally, I know a lot of amazing artists, and I discovered others on DeviantArt. It would be a shame if you did not discover them, too. To help promote their work (and my own) I’ve decided to create Almost Famous Artist’s Interviews. I will be publishing these as soon as I get an adequate number of responses. I thought to feature them every Monday — to beat the Monday Blues. What do you think?

To qualify, the artist needs to be out of school (or in school but with two professional projects in their portfolio) and trying to make (or making) a living as an artist.

If you would like to be featured, contact me with a link to your website. If I feel you qualify, I’ll contact you back with the interview questions.

(Update: Nov 2019 — abandoned due to lack of time.)

Fast Book Reviews

For years, I have been reviewing books on Amazon and Goodreads. I have finally decided to create a blog featuring these reviews. These reviews are for busy people like me, people who do not have a lot of time to spend reading detailed, professional book reviews. I’ve created a format to help you determine if you would like a book at a glance, followed by a few paragraphs expressing my personal feelings about the work. Be sure to check out the FAQ Page for more information.

(Update: Nov 2019 — abandoned due to a lack of time, you can read my reviews on Goodreads.)

Mili Fay Art Princesses

Belle/Beauty from Beauty and the Beast

One of the concept sketches for the first painting — Beauty from Beauty and the Beast.

One of the chief reasons I created Mili Fay Art is to use my talents to help the world, by raising money for altruistic organizations. For years, I wanted to create something for I’m a Girl campaign. I have finally decided upon the project: Mili Fay Art Princesses. In between working on Warriors of Virtue, I’ll create traditional paintings featuring princesses. Because of the upcoming move, the first to be featured is Belle/Beauty from Beauty and the Beast. The scene: Belle attacked by wolves. (Decided via social media.)

Fallow my progress on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you wish to get a postcard of the final art for FREE join Mili Fay Art Fan Club.

In accordance with Mili Fay Art rules, 30% of all the profits form the project will be donated to I’m a Girl campaign. You do not need to purchase items to help out. If you like what I’m doing: spread the word!

(Update: Nov 2019 — became Every Girl Is A Princess project)

Animals In My Hair Update

"Animals In My Hair" Front Cover

Animals In My Hair was the first book I published. It was created in part to raise funds for wildlife conservation via the Toronto Zoo by donating 30% of the profits. The trouble is that I invested heavily in printing the book and local fairs. As such, I have yet to see any profits. However, I feel horrible for not raising anything for the conservation of animals. Therefore, I’ve made the executive decision to donate 30% of all the profits from each sale from now on. After purchasing the book (or books) I will take away the cost of printing the book (growing constantly due to the interest rate), Gumroad fee, shipping, and packaging, HST (or Amazon fees for the digital book) then from the leftover amount I will take 30% and add that to a donation pot. Once the pot reaches $250 I’ll make the donation to the Toronto Zoo’s Wildlife Conservation and Breeding Program.

Animals In My Hair has received nothing but 5 star reviews since its publication from parents, teacher, reviewers, and children. If you know a child or have a child of your own, you should introduce him/her to this book. If you cannot afford it, you can borrow it from the Toronto Public Library, Brampton Public Library, and Huntsville Public Library. If you would like the book to become available in your local library let me know, and I’ll see if I can make that happen.

I need your help. If you like what I’m doing, follow me on Social Media and spread the word of my existence. I firmly believe art can change the world for the better. Mili Fay Art’s vision statement is: “Together we support the world one artwork at a time.” I cannot do it alone.

Thanking you in anticipation,
