#InktoberContest 2017 RULES
The hashtag for this event is #InktoberContest please use it when you are commenting about the artwork. #InktoberContest is part of #inktober, a global even where artists are encouraged to create artwork using traditional ink-based tools during the month of October.
My idea is to create ink line-art and color the final image digitally, blending both the traditional and digital mediums, as I have done in the Wonder Woman poster above.
This year I’ve hosted #MerMay and #MuthoJuly contests on Instagram. The rules for this event are similar. THE FIRST PERSON TO COMMENT ON MY INSTAGRAM POST WINS! Though I will try to post daily, my other obligations may prevent me, but I will try to post artwork either at 16:00 h or 19:00 h EDT. What I can promise is that this event will continue until there are 31 Contest Winners.
How it works:
Beginning with the artwork above, I will post an image on Instagram with Information beginning: “🌟 BE THE FIRST to comment, letting me know your favorite superhero/villain, and WIN an illustration of yourself as that character. 🌟”
The first Instagram Follower to comment wins!
The winner needs to send me a head shot, full body with head shot, and a photo of a handwritten note: “I, (full name), give Mili Fay of Mili Fay Art permission to use my image to create a (superhero/supervillain character of your choice). Date and Sign.” This information needs to be sent by 9:00 EDT the following day. The winner can do this via Instagram Direct Message (do not send me images that expire), or by adding images to a Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. folder and sending me a link to that folder via direct message. The clearer the image, the better I can capture you. I also need to see your hair and eye color. KEEP IT RATED G. Leave your clothes on. Do not make this contest creepy, or you will be disqualified.
Additional Rules:
NO DUPLICATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. If someone has already chosen the character of your choice, choose another one — I will not draw 2 Storms. Exception: One of you can choose Wonder Woman.
Please choose world acknowledged superheroes/villains. I think real life superheroes/villains surround us, but for this contest I’m drawing fantasy, made up superheroes/villains.
🌟 This contest is offered at my sole discretion and for fun. I’m under no legal obligations whatsoever. 🌟
The winner will receive: a low-resolution digitally perfected image they can share online, a high-resolution image of the drawing for printing, a Mili Fay Art Copyright License, and a free Kindle Sketchbook of all the art. The winner will also be given an option to purchase the original ink line-art at a significant discount, US$70 (free shipping to Canada and US), prior to its being offered to the public.
Note: I am the sole copyright owner of my creation and can do with it what I will.
If the winner does not send the images by the time indicated above, and the runner up cannot be contacted, I will draw a superhero/supervillain character of my choice.
THIS CONTEST IS OPEN TO EVERYONE INCLUDING THE MERMAY2017 and MYTHOJULY2017 CONTEST WINNERS. If you are under the legal age, by entering this contest you agree that you have your parent’s or guardian’s consent to do so. You also need your parent/guardian to sign your image release note. I will not share your images with anybody and will delete them in due time.
By entering the contest you acknowledge that you have read all the rules and that you will abide by them.
Thank you for reading and thank you for following.
Mili Fay
October 1st, 2017
Why should I have all the fun? Join me in creating an #inktober sketch per day if you are up to the challenge.